Price: £5.99
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 208pp
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Wolf Wing
The fourth book in the ‘Wolf Tower’ fantasy sequence which, for lovers of the others, may be good news with many of the relationships and events developed further. The fantasy world is highly detailed and often extravagantly imagined but the telling is strangely flat and trite, locked into Claidi’s narration with its repetitively plain sentence structures and frequent attempts to create effects with italics, exclamation marks and capital letters. For fans of the sequence, it doesn’t give much away to say that Claidi and Argul are married! They return to the House then they find that a revolution took place with the Slaves taking over. Then Dengwi is revealed to be the daughter of a Prince and then Ironel reveals that Ustareth is still alive and has invited them all to her Summer land! Then they go there. ‘Oh!!!!!’