Price: £6.99
Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 40pp
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Bubble Trouble
Illustrator: Polly DunbarTold in Mahy’s exuberant style, this frolicking, rollicking rhyming story tells of a baby who, when his sister blows a bubble, accidentally becomes trapped inside and is blown away. Said baby is pursued by an assortment of zany characters who become involved in his attempted rescue. Full of suspense, in more ways than one, Mahy’s hilarious text will challenge even the most experienced storyteller not to mention young listeners, but with its amalgam of rich, deliciously mind-stretching vocabulary (‘nefarious intentions’), alliterative phrases (‘calculated catchwork’; ‘Copple couple came cavorting)’, glorious nonsense words (‘flum-a’diddle)’ and more. It is well worth the effort; almost every conceivable language lesson is painlessly embedded therein.
Young audiences can follow the baby-bearing bubble as it loops and swoops on its perilous path by tracing the line of blue dashes across the pages. Polly Dunbar captures the mood quite brilliantly with her soft water colour illustrations. The portrayal of baby seemingly in blissful repose and loving every minute until disaster strikes, is a splendid counterpoint to the anguished expressions of her pursuers. The tender expressions of his mother and sister as they hug the babe safely in their arms are heart-warming indeed.