Price: £6.99
Publisher: Barrington Stoke
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 80pp
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Car Wash Wish
There is so much to this deceptively simple story that it can be read over and over again and still reveal more each time you read it. Hudson is nearly 14, and he has Asperger’s syndrome. Through his narration of the story, we find out what it feels like to think like Hudson, seeing patterns in letters and words all around him, and having to work hard at understanding people’s emotions and reactions. He’s having to come to terms with new situations and family events as his grandad has just died. His mother has also just told him two big pieces of news – she’s expecting a baby, which means a new brother or sister for Hudson, and she’s going to marry her new partner Louis, which means Hudson will have a step-father. Although told through Hudson’s voice, we can understand what happened to Hudson’s parents’ relationship, and how they still care for each other even though his mum is so happy with Louis. And there’s a special moment when Hudson’s father realises how important it is for him to maintain that incredibly close relationship between father and son. The story is moving, and yet the style is understated, with light touches of humour from our very engaging narrator. Highly recommended for young teens.