Price: £6.99
Publisher: Red Fox
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 160pp
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From Above with Love
There are references to film throughout this book and the central conceit – human being is helped by her very own guardian angel – is often explored in movies. Here however, you’re never really sure of the guardian angel’s purpose – either as plot device or spiritual mentor.
The central character seems so worldly wise and mature that it’s hard to believe she is only 16. Does Lauren really need Pontifex, her guardian angel, when she manages to sort out a quite sensible philosophy for life and love on her own and by page 23? Does his presence and need for her help – an innocent abroad he gets himself into some tricky and fairly amusing situations – teach her anything about herself or life? It doesn’t really seem to. Still, teenage girls will love the idea of your very own guardian angel to help you through a break-up with your boyfriend.