Price: £7.99
Publisher: HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 448pp
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It's About Love
There were high hopes for this story from the author of the previous excellent Tape. This current novel is also cleverly crafted, written partly as if it is a film script produced by troubled 16-year-old Luke. But has there even been such a determinedly self-defeating young hero in a teenage novel? Luke hates himself and most other people. Given the chance every now and then to improve his life he generally goes the other way. It is a near miracle that beautiful and lively Leia, a fellow pupil on their shared film course, manages not only to put up with him but also offers much-needed love and ability. But even after finding the perfect girl-friend Luke’s problems still get worse, now having to deal with a charismatic older brother released from prison and still in danger from a previous enemy. With more upsets to come, this story would certainly win any award for the glummest novel of the year. There is much in it that is also good and original, such as the skillful weaving in of references to old films and the exciting moment when the young couple’s screen story seems to be coming together. But Luke, already socially crippled by a long facial scar, is always too wearingly close to personal disaster. Dark, depressing and finally melodramatic, this story might well appeal to young readers should they be feeling the same way. Others may prefer something less gloomy.