Price: £10.99
Publisher: Eden Project Children's Books
Genre: Information Story
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 24pp
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The World Came to My Place Today
Illustrator: Ley Honor RobertsGeorge has to stay at home with Grandpa because Flora has spots all over. This is a golden opportunity for Grandpa to tell George where all the things he eats and all the things used around the house and in the garden come from. So, for example, young listeners or readers learn that liquorice comes from France, rope from Tanzania and the hairy-coated coconuts from which doormats are made come from hot, wet places like India. There are two kinds of text: on the left hand pages we have the story of George’s day with lots of lively dialogue; and on the right there are fact boxes providing clear information about each object and food item. The illustrations – bright collages of drawings and photographs – are most appealing. Globes appear on each double spread and a map shows clearly where each product comes from. This would be a good focus for talking about all the things in the book. I do think – and this is a small quibble – that it would have been helpful to have had some legible labels on the many food packages and other items to support children’s experience of environmental print. This book would help five- to seven-year-olds with early geographical concepts and thematic work on food. It would also be an enjoyable book for adult and child to share at home.