Price: Price not available
Publisher: Piccadilly Press
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 192pp
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Bella Donna: Witchling
Illustrator: Marion LindsayWitchling is the third story featuring Bella Donna and her family and friends. Bella Donna is a young witch who lives on Coven Road with Lilith the adult witch who has adopted her. Coven Road must be kept a secret from non-witches and Bella Donna should not use her magic in the outside world. Sometimes it’s hard to keep such a big secret, especially when it’s your birthday and there’s a broomstick to fly and new spells to try out. Bella Donna learns the dangers of trying spells and magic before she is properly trained, but along the way has lots of fun. Children who already know Bella Donna will enjoy this latest story in the series. It’s pleasant and easy to read with a lively and likeable main character.