Price: £12.99
Publisher: Walker
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 400pp
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This is number 4 in ‘The Power of Five’ series. It is classic dark v light fantasy; a tad reminiscent of an updated Lord of the Rings in its wide canvas, set scenes of powerfully realised, non-stop action and a populous cast list.
The goodies are the five gatekeepers. They didn’t choose the job; they were born to it. They are far flung and if they can come together, using the right portals they can defeat (albeit temporarily) the Old Ones who since time immemorial have sought through any means to have dominion over the Earth and those that dwell upon it.
Horowitz’ crafty style makes this as exciting and involving as a top rated computer game. Some of the descriptive passages are juicily nightmarish; the action is violent and bloody with a phenomenal body count; but you know that the goodies are good and the baddies are double-crossing maniacs who deserve whatever befalls them.
It will be bound to please the myriad Horowitz fans out there.