Price: £12.99
Publisher: Wayland
Genre: Non Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 64pp
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Review also includes:
Film, Sarah Jones, 978-0750240482
Internet, Tom Craig, 978-0750240512
Newspapers and Magazines, Julian Petley, 978-0750240499
Part of the Literacy programme requires that children become accustomed to reading and distinguishing different kinds of text – not just fiction, but a wide spectrum of non-fiction including newspaper reports, travel journals and biography. They are also encouraged to explore how the media present information in Citizenship studies too, so Wayland’s new series ‘Mediawise’ will be welcomed as a useful resource for understanding the workings of the media, the technology and the processes. Each of the four titles here provides a factual and informed account of the industry from knowledgeable authors and consultants, and there are useful quotes from leading figures as well as a good selection of up-to-date photos to give a flavour of what goes on behind the scenes. However, there is surprisingly little discussion about the ethics or issues involved, no debate about the role of investigative journalism or the invasion of privacy, and no information about industry watchdogs. Given the fact that the Curriculum encourages children to compare different ways in which the media portray a single event, this lack of questioning seems a strange omission. The series will perhaps prove most useful as an insight into the adult workplace, and for those interested in pursuing a career in the industry each title provides a range of job profiles with details of qualifications required and relevant organisations for reference.