BfK News: May 1988
Children’s Book Week 1988 – a good book and a nice cup of tea!
One of the first successes of the new Children’s Book Foundation has been to land a major sponsor for this year’s Children’s Book Week (8-15 October). Typhoo Tea are providing generous support for activities and events organised by CBF and also running additional promotions themselves.
Eunice McMullen, Director of the Children’s Book Foundation, intends that Children’s Book Week itself will be the culmination of activities spread across the year – a children’s poster competition, Readathon, a national Schools Project and a creative writing competition for parents. CBW will be launched in London but Eunice promises that, as past years have established, there will also be support for regional events.
Bags of Books – and Tapes
At last a comprehensive mail order service is available for schools wanting to purchase from the expanding range of high quality children’s stories published on audiotapes. Angela Macpherson, an ex-teacher with experience in the book trade, now runs a thriving small business selling books in schools in Sussex under the name ‘Bags of Books’. Whilst visiting schools, she came to realise that not all teachers appreciated the value of tapes as a teaching resource or the extent of the range available.
She has therefore published a catalogue of story cassettes for 3-12 years reviewing most of those listed and including details of playing times, readers, style of recording, etc,
Details available from Bags of Books, 7 South Street, Lewes, Sussex BN7 2BT (tel: 0273-479320).
Great Glasgow Book Bonanza
…which runs from 12-16 May and mustn’t be missed if you’re anywhere in reach of Clyde-side. The organiser is Val Bierman, winner of last year’s Eleanor Farjeon Award for services to children’s books. Clearly she’s not resting on her laurels. Daily events include an exhibition of books from more than 40 publishers, a display of prize-winning poems by local children, badge-making, continuous videos, umpteen competitions and authors, authors, authors … Shirley Hughes, Martin Waddell, Douglas Hill, Roger McGough, Anne Fine, Terrance Dicks, Berlie Doherty, Michael Hardcastle amongst others, giving talks, leading discussion, signing autographs or just shaking hands. The Bonanza starts on 11th May with an inaugural lecture by Margaret Meek at the McLellan Galleries in Sauchiehall Street, where everything takes place. Admission to the main hall is free for children, 50p for adults – both being charged 25p for author events. There’s also a creche for babies and small children…
New Face at Puffin
Alison Stanley has taken over from Eunice McMullen (now at the Children’s Book Foundation) as Manager of the Puffin Book Clubs. Alison spent 17 years with the ILEA and has lots of experience of working with teachers and organising book activities.