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Sales Point: March 1982
Bernard the furry Booktaster is the central figure in the Book Marketing Council’s Children’s Book Promotion which runs from 3rd — 17th April.
Bernard – accompanied by Beverley Mathias of the NBL – will tour the country starting in Covent Garden on 3rd April and calling at Southampton, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Bernard is taking a `menu’ of 52 books from 24 publishers on his travels and expects to be widely interviewed in the press and on radio and television.
Here is the list of questions the BMC hope will be discussed in this way during the tour:
- What effect does the absence of books have on children’s education?
- What sort of situation exists in schools as a result of shortages?
- Are fewer books being used as a result of new technology, computers, etc?
- should local authorities cut other services rather than books?
- Is it the Central Government or the local authorities who should be blamed for book shortages?
- Which regions of the country have the worst levels of provision?
- Which have the best?
- What are the current best-selling school books?
- Do not publishers have a vested interest in complaining about school book provision?
The promotion is aimed at parents and children during the holidays. But it may well be that Bernard is too good a monster to miss – and the questions he wants to discuss are certainly relevant to schools in their partnership with parents and children.
If Bernard doesn’t come your way, why not arrange your own Monster Booktasting next term? Posters, badges and a list of the books on the menu are available from Maggi Turfrey, BMC, The Publishers Association, 19 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3HJ.
The visit of Pope John Paul II
On 28th May the Pope arrives in this country for a six-day visit. British publishers are well prepared.
In the adult lists Michael Joseph/Rainbird have the official biography by Lord Longford: Faber and Faber have a personal evaluation by Norman St John Stevas.
For children a biography Pope John Paul II by Mary Craig appears this month in hardback in the Hamish Hamilton Profiles series (0 241 10711 3, £3.25). The paperback follows in Puffin in April (0 14 03.1543 8, 80p).
A Ladybird to mark the visit also appears in April (0 7214 0733 1, 50p) with the same title. There’s also a book of photographs with text by Mary Craig, John Paul II, Welcome to Britain (Coronet, 0 340 28355 6, £2.50 paperback).
Coming Shortly in Paperback
Some advance information to help you prepare
Puffin are feeling pleased with themselves, as well they might, for persuading World’s Work to release the paperback rights to Patricia Coombs’ stories about Dorrie the little witch who is always in trouble. Four titles at once mean there’s plenty on offer to fans new and old: Dorrie and the Birthday Eggs, Dorrie and the Haunted House, Dorrie and the Goblin and Dorrie and the Wizard’s Spell.
Also from Puffin Quest for the Gloop – a sure-fire hit from Nicoll and Pienkowski. Science fiction fans (especially Steve Bowles) will be pleased to see Douglas Hill’s Day of the Starwind (Piccolo). Also from Piccolo, for younger readers, Alison Uttley’s Tales of Little Grey Rabbit with illustrations by Faith Jaques.
For older readers Hippo have Summer of Fear by Lois Duncan whose Killing Mr Griffin Steve Bowles judged to be `an impressive book with just a few minor flaws’ (BfK No. 10). Also from Hippo, Brain Benders, over 100 word puzzles compiled, Supergran fans may be interested to hear, by Forrest Wilson.
Competition Corner
Watch this space for good ideas for competitions
Which Witch?
Have a display of witch, wizard and magic books. The competition uses as its starting point Which Witch?, Eva Ibbotson (Piccolo). Arriman the Awful, Loather of Light and Wizard of the North decides to take a wife. He organises a competition where all the local witches have to show off their blackest magic and perform impressive feats to show their power.
Imagine you are in the competition. What evil deed would you do to impress Arriman? Describe your magic feat and make up the spell you would say to make the magic work.
What about prizes?
Books obviously. But if you want to have lots of prizewinners and can’t manage lots of books, think about badges (remember the kudos of winning a Blue Peter badge), bookmarks, bookplates, and make a big thing of the prize-giving. Or be inventive and create something to do with magic and spells.
If you have bright ideas for selling books, send them to Sales Point and share them with other school booksellers.