Sound & Vision: July 1989
An update of TV, Film and Radio information
We haven’t run a Sound and Vision update since the January issue – there hasn’t been a lot to report. Come to think of it, there’s still not a great deal happening but it’s worth looking out for the following:
Danny the Champion of the World
Roald Dahl, Cape, 0 224 012010, £6.95; Puffin, 0 14 03.2287 6, £2.50 pbk
We first reported this back in the July 88 issue of BfK speculating that we wouldn’t see it before next year, or even the next decade! We now know the premier will be on 28 July 1989 at an as yet unannounced posh London venue with the film then going on general release. Rumours have it that it’s fantastic … or that nobody seems terribly enthusiastic! We’ll know if we get invited to the preview (if there is one) and we’ll do our darnedest to slip a review into the September issue. No promises though! Should be good with a cast list including Jeremy Irons (and his son, Sam), Cyril Cusack, Robbie Coltrane, Lionel Jeffries and Michael Hordern.
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Michelle Magorian, Viking Kestrel, 0 670 80670 6, £7.95; Puffin, 0 14 03.1907 7, £2.99 pbk
Val Randall reviewed the book in the January 88 issue of BfK -‘long and enjoyable’. As far as the tie-in is concerned, here’s what we know … It’s TV (don’t know which channel), it’s scheduled for this summer, it’s two hours’ long and it stars Hayley Mills. And all this after exhaustive research!
Why the Whales Came
Michael Morpurgo, Heinemann, 0 434 95200 1, £7.95; Mandarin, 0 416 13972 8, £2.50 pbk
An outstanding book, a superb cast (Helen Mirren and Paul Scofield) and a Royal Gala Performance on 6th September with the Prince and Princess of Wales in attendance, must make this a must, mustn’t it? If we possibly can, we’ll let you know …
Marianne Dreams
Catherine Storr, Lutterworth, 0 7188 2768 6, £7.95; Puffin, 0 14 03.0209 3, £l .95 pbk
A feature-film, retitled Paperhouse for the screen, and starring Charlotte Burke, Elliot Spears and Ben Cross, is currently out on general release. If anyone catches sight of it, do let us know.
Living Language schedule for the Autumn 89 term
This September the BBC Schools Radio series Living Language (Thursday mornings at 9.30), well-known for its dramatisations of classic books, offers a new package of materials devised with the National Curriculum primary language targets very much in mind. Teacher’s notes linking with the broadcasts contain extensive pupil worksheets which build into a language and writing project. Broadcasts are as follows:
21 September-The Book Cellar. Interview with Robert Leeson about drafting and other aspects of the writer’s craft.
28 September (in three episodes) – Rosie Blitz. Richard Pinner’s radio adaptation of his stage play about evacuees.
19 and 26 October – Shadows. A war drama from Europe by Roy Apps.
2 November – Incredible Inventions. An audio-anthology of poets.
9 November (in three episodes) – Robert Leeson’s The Third Class Genie.
3 November – Pantorama. Children review films and shows for children.
There’s also a radio writing competition for teachers and a chance for children to broadcast their own features.