Price: £24.78
Publisher: Templar Publishing
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 40pp
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A Shelter for Sadness
Illustrator: David LitchfieldBeautiful in both text and illustration, this lyrical picture book has much to teach us all about sadness. Sadness has come to live with a little boy, and he builds it a shelter to keep it safe and to give it all that it needs, whether that is quietness or noise, sitting or running about, looking out of the window or pulling the curtains, being alone or sharing time with the boy. Sadness is portrayed as a semi-opaque creature with a tiny pink heart inside, egg shaped, but fluid, and he and the little boy have become best friends because they are, essentially, the same being. Sadness is the boy’s way of coping with his loss, whatever that may be. This is never explained, but the reason for the sadness is a serious one. The story was inspired by a quote from a Jewish woman who died during the Holocaust, Etty Hillesum, who wrote that sorrow needs ‘space and shelter’ to fulfil its needs, otherwise it can turn to hate and revenge, which will only bring on more sorrow in the world. The little boy and his sadness are doing their best to find within themselves the peace and comfort they need in whatever way necessary at their time of sorrow, and they have no thoughts of hate – just love and imagination to get them through. Magical pictures are wholly appropriate, full of light and dark, reflecting the text in every way. Superb. ES