Price: £5.99
Publisher: Piccadilly Press
Genre: Information Story
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 24pp
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An Otter's First Swim
Inspired by a true story – always an added attraction for children – this book tells of the first foray into the water of three young otters with their mother. Young children will identify with the feelings of apprehension of one of the cubs when he finds he is expected to dive into the water: ‘when the cold water splashed against him, he sprang back’. It is always disconcerting when you feel unable to attempt something everyone seems to imagine you will do easily.
There are beautiful, luminous illustrations showing how otters swim and play in the ocean. Children sharing this book at home or at nursery school will appreciate the sympathetic understanding shown to the otter and be reassured by the eventual happy resolution. Helpful information is available on the end pages to answer the questions small children may ask if they engage with this book – which I think they will.