Price: £7.99
Publisher: Little Island
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 224pp
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When Finn comes up with a foolproof way to make some money, Luke is not immediately convinced. But the idea of lending money to their hard up classmates – and demanding interest – is too attractive. This is just the beginning and Finn’s ideas get more and more outrageous such as involving investing in a dating app. But pride comes before a fall – or is it a crash? Will the boys survive?
This is a refreshing romp told with assurance and conviction. The author captures the dialogue between the boys to bring them off the page and into the reader’s imagination. This is not a tale full of trauma and crime. It is a tale of friendships and mad ideas against the background of a school that young readers will instantly recognise; immediate and authentic. The storytelling is brisk, the incidents follow swiftly as the drama escalates and even the teachers seem human though drawn with a light touch.