Price: £7.19
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 192pp
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Bright Angel
Hedges envisages an end of the twenty-second century where peace and world government is the norm. Otherwise there are remarkable similarities to our own daily life; school still seems to figure, relationships are as problematic and politics is tainted with more than a whiff of shadiness.
Her main characters are Bryn, who seems normal enough, Jade, a kind of clairvoyant girlfriend, Kirrin the nerdy side-kick, and a unique, antique hacker’s computer called Ned. As the tale unfolds the fight between God and his fallen angels goes into replay with The Apocalypse dangerously near. This suspense/thriller becomes a compulsive read, but it’ll take a good dose of background Biblical Knowledge for the ending to be totally appreciated.