Price: £12.99
Publisher: Walker Books
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 48pp
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Captain Cat
As a confirmed ailurophobe I came to this book with some trepidation. However, I was quickly sucked in to the engrossing story of a sea faring trader of latter years with a huge white beard and a passion for cats of all shapes and sizes. Hence his name – Captain Cat. His passion meant that the captain was a laughing stock among his fellow traders, for all he ever wanted in return for the priceless goods he had to offer was yet another moggie. Then one evening the captain decides the time has come for him to make a voyage of a different kind and to visit places in the west he has always longed to see. So, next morning he sets sail. After a peaceful few days sailing, a storm blows him right off his map into unknown waters and eventually to a lonely island. As his boat approaches, he is spotted by the island’s Queen, a spirited young girl who is thrilled to have a visitor and enchanted by his cats. Never before has she seen such creatures. She invites Captain Cat, his crew and cats to a special banquet. Before long the feast is set upon by hordes of marauding rats. The cats soon make short work of the pests and the Princess begs Captain Cat to let her keep his precious moggies to rid the whole island of its rat infestation in exchange for priceless jewels. Then the captain is faced with a true dilemma but it is the cats not he, that make the final decision. That decision may well come as a surprise but it is one that eventually turns out to be just purr-fect for all concerned.
The longish text spans great distances and considerable time but will hold listeners with its relaxed, chatty tone of voice and the illustrations are superb. Every turn of the page is a joy. With their cross-hatching, Inga Moore’s intricately worked scenes of land and sea, painted in muted browns, greens, blues and greys are a visual feast. Altogether this is a highly satisfying neo fairy tale for everyone who loves a good yarn with lots of twists and turns and off beat characters.