Price: £7.99
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 96pp
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Claude in the City
Claude is a small dog who lives with Mr and Mrs Shinyshoes and his best friend Sir Bobblysock. When Mr and Mrs Shinyshoes go out for the day, they tell him to be a good boy and that they will be back soon. At which point, Claude decides what he will do for the day. How about a visit to the City with Sir Bobblysock? A trip to the city it is, which includes a meal, shopping and a visit to the art gallery where the intrepid pair foil a robbery and arrive home just in time. The second adventure involves going to the hospital along with a few remedies that are slightly less than orthodox. The expressions of well intentioned innocence on the faces of our heroes, not to mention the faces of the people they meet, showcase Smith’s comic talent not just for writing a good story but also illustrating it in a fitting but hilarious style. I’d recommend this book not only for the Key Stage One classroom, but also for reading aloud to younger children and sharing many a laugh…