Price: £11.99
Publisher: Piccadilly Press
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Conker and Nudge
Nudge, the little anteater, adores his big brother Conker. Nudge wants to do everything Conker does, and usually succeeds in exasperating his big brother. Eventually Nudge is told to stop copying, and to go away. In the forest with a couple of friends, Conker hears a rustling…. and a huge jaguar roars out of the trees! Capybara flees down a hole in the ground, armadillo retreats inside his shell, but Conker is too big to hide. At that moment, Nudge swings down through the trees on a vine and yells to Conker to jump on. So Conker is saved by his little brother who has learnt to swing on vines by copying him. The amusing gouache pictures follow the changing sibling relationship throughout this book, describing it well.