Price: £6.99
Publisher: Andersen Press
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Cows Go Boo!
Illustrator: Fred BluntSurely, here comes another winner from the author of the highly successful picture book, the brilliant read-aloud-book, Tanka Tanka Skunk. Cows Go Boo! should become a hot favourite with this age group, being full of giggles from start right through to the surprise ending. The text is hilarious, and the amusement is heightened by truly whacky illustrations. The author/illustrator partnership is just right, with lots of instances when listeners need to pause to peruse the happenings in the pictures. Farmer George becomes more and more exasperated by his cows…where do they go? For unlike his pigs who go oink, and his sheep who go baa, his cows go…. where? Lost and then found, his cows should certainly not go ‘BOO’! which is what they do, causing such a shock that Farmer George jumps right out of his wellies. The perfectly timed page turns create lots of opportunities for a young audience to predict and join in the farmyard noises, least of all with those of the illusive cows. The whole tale is highly entertaining and will be best when read loudly and repeated often, until all youngsters can join in throughout. Keep it in the car, in the kitchen, at Grandma’s – but maybe a little noisy for the bedside table!