Price: £12.99
Publisher: Faber & Faber
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Daddy's Sandwich
Illustrator: Laura HughesNo ordinary sandwich here, and what small child would not love this amazing picture book to bits! We watch, seeing that this little girl knows exactly how to manage her Daddy. Her eyes speak volumes! But now she does want to please, by making him a sandwich using all his favourite ingredients. She is an observant child, so in go cheese, tomato, and biscuits dunked in tea. Adding other favourite ingredients, including his cosy old slippers, his TV remote, she delights in showing us in the pictures just how easy it really is! In goes his toolbelt, followed by his deckchair! She begins to think of all of HER things her Dad loves … her drawings go in, her pop-up books, her paddling pool. Here comes the pause whilst we hold our breath and study the detailed, intriguing illustrations. The pictures keep up with each addition to the sandwich, but we don’t see the final edifice until the final page when Daddy is called in, for his sandwich is ready. The little girl sits atop, holding a slice of bread on top of her head, a cheeky smile on her face. Full of energy, this is a delightful tale, and will encourage lots of small people to try building fantasy … and real! … sandwiches in their own home or nursery. It would make an apt Father’s Day gift!