Price: £10.99
Publisher: Jonathan Cape
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Dog Loves Books
This dog of the title is, like this reviewer, a bibliophile and moreover is opening a bookshop – something I’ve always wanted to do. Unfortunately, Dog’s bookshop has a decided lack of customers: one visitor just wants a cup of tea and another asks the way. To while away the time Dog takes book after book from the shelves and as he reads he forgets he is alone. Finally, he has a customer and shows boundless enthusiasm for recommending just the right book because, not only does dog love books but, most of all (again, just like this reviewer) he loves sharing them.
The watercolour and pencil illustrations show Dog lost in the aura of his imagination as he is transported through the pages of the books he reads to the worlds within.