Price: £8.99
Publisher: Happy Cat Books
Genre: Information Picture Book
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 32pp
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Illustrator: Frances ConyThe information in this book is well-paced and instructive, with good coping strategies that may help with the problems brought about by dyslexia. We meet six children, all of whom have some degree of dyslexia, and they tell us about their dilemmas and how they work to overcome them. Nathan and his mum make alphabet letters in play dough; Pippa tells her stories into a tape recorder; Lucy, who has problems remembering things, paints her little finger red on her right hand so she can distinguish between left and right. Upbeat and positive, the book will provide reassurance and support – as well as some really good ideas. There is, though, a problem with the comic-book style pictures. The cheerful children look a tad demented, their grins reminiscent of Halloween pumpkins. Not, perhaps, the best choice for illustrating dyslexic children.