Price: £19.99
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd
Genre: Non Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 304pp
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Encyclopedia of the Human Body
Part of a new range of reference books for older readers, this latest encyclopedia from DK explores the human body through an amazing array of visual images ranging from close-up photographs, cut-away artwork, computer-enhanced images, scans and micrographs. Photos taken with the aid of electron microscopes are now so specialised that you need to turn to the glossary to understand the difference between a SEM and a TEM, not to mention different kinds of CT scans. Explanatory captions are vital to make sense of these images, and the team of medical writers here presents complex ideas in a straightforward manner. From this it will be clear that this encyclopedia is pitched at a cross-over audience that could include adults as well as GCSE students.
The encyclopedia is organised into separate sections that explain the major systems of the body such as the skeletal, digestive, cardiovascular and reproductive. A final section explores key turning points in the history of medicine, including alternative therapies and complementary medicine, and there is a useful timeline and glossary. In this visually exciting and up-to-date reference book for the home or library, the human body is revealed as a remarkable masterpiece of bio-engineering.