Price: £10.99
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 40pp
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Freckleface Strawberry
Illustrator: LeUyen PhamWhat happens when a seven-year-old gets teased about her freckles? She tries to remove them, of course. Freckleface Strawberry scrubs them, she applies lemon juice, she covers her face with felt tip pens, but nothing works. Her final solution is to wear a balaclava. That works too well. No one knows who she is, and she is lonely, hot and itchy. It is when her friends gather round to say how much they have missed her that Freckleface realises she has a million friends as well as a million freckles, and the friends are more important. One suspects that the actress Julianne Moore, who wrote the story, suffered similarly as a child. Freckleface learns to live with her freckles. The jaunty pictures and occasional American slang add to the fun of what is basically a story about being happy in your own skin.