Price: £7.99
Publisher: Electric Monkey
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 448pp
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From What I Remember
Kylie is about to graduate from high school and being the class swot is set to be top of her class at the graduation ceremony. Then due to the theft of her laptop and the almost farcical events following it she ends up doing something totally outrageous. Fast forward 48 hours and Kylie wakes up in a strange bed, in Mexico, with the school’s most dateable boy lying next to her. This book is about the two days leading to these events and the consequences for all the main characters. The story is told from multiple viewpoints; all having interlinked reasons for being involved.
This is a bright, light and funny book which I enjoyed much more than anticipated. It made a great change from some of the dystopian and magical series filling the bookshelves and yet it does have some more serious undertones. All of the main characters are hiding a secret problem or sorrow and if anything this is the one slight downside to the book. It might have been better to concentrate on just a couple of issues; having said that they are dealt with seriously, but not with a heavy hand, and add rather than detract from the story. A good read for the holidays and a real contender for a film or TV series.