Price: £5.65
Publisher: OUP Oxford
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 304pp
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Sebastian Blewitt is at school when he is unexpectedly chosen to become the High Priest’s new apprentice. Sebastian and his pet rat leave home and go to live in the Temple of Ora. Sebastian enjoys spending his time being chauffeur-driven in a gold limousine, putting on spectacular shows for the worshippers and eating cream cakes to his heart’s content. He discovers the mystery of the sacred divining rods, used to pass new laws, and so he sets about changing some of them to suit himself. But strange things begin to happen. The city becomes a dangerous place, the citizens begin to rebel and Sebastian’s life is put in danger.
Prue’s fantasy is ideal to encourage boys who are good readers to enjoy a longer book. Pet rats, chips, football, gangsters and chocolate – boys shouldn’t have any problems identifying with the young hero, and the story has a mystery that keeps its readers guessing right to the very end.
Some of the quotes from the Sacred Texts are a bit long-winded, but overall Goldkeeper is an enjoyable story with a fair amount of adult humour thrown in. Don’t let the connection between Ora and God put you off.