Price: £6.99
Publisher: Andersen Press
Genre: Information Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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This most original and attractive picture book introduces young learners to a basic principle of physics. It explains that it is gravity which stops people floating away into space and gravity which causes objects to fall to the ground. There is a spare text written in very large, clear print. But it is the arresting and beautiful double spreads in watercolour that make complicated things both interesting and understandable. One hugely entertaining spread shows what would happen if we did not have gravity: everyday objects – balls, books and bananas – are shown floating upwards. Young children are good at spotting things – I bet many of them will notice that one of the objects is this book! And the very last picture is simply brilliant: everything has returned to normality, but the expressions on the faces of the children and one of the cas in the garden suggest that they still have a vision of what the world would be like without gravity.
The notes and diagrams on the final two pages, ‘More About Gravity’, guides the sharing adult in answering questions. Publisher guidelines suggest the book is suitable for a preschool age group, but I think children at the younger end of primary school would also enjoy and benefit from it. This is a book that will convince the very young that science can intrigue and fascinate.