Price: £4.88
Publisher: lish (Publication Language)Gecko Press
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Have You Seen Elephant?
In this delightful and humorous picture book, Boy and Elephant agree to play hide and seek, with puzzling consequences. Before they begin, Elephant is kind enough to warn Boy that he is very good and he isn’t joking. He doesn’t so much hide as blend into the background of each room, becoming in turn an armchair, a bedspread, a TV stand, a lamp stand, a garden shed and a tree trunk. Boy is unable to find the Elephant in any room. Dog, however, is not so easily fooled!
This is definitely a book for sharing – adults will love the book’s absurdity, while children will love searching for Elephant on each new double page spread. It’s a theme that could be carried on beyond the book as you plan other absurd hiding places for an elephant around your own home.
And there’s a delightful cliff hanger ending – just before the story finishes, Tortoise plods into the picture and wants to play tag. He is, he warns Boy as he models his sports headband and go-zoom stripe, very good. Then it’s over to the reader to create their own theatre of the absurd!