Price: £6.50
Publisher: Tangent Books
Genre: Non Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 96pp
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How to Turn Your Parents Green
Illustrator: Øivind Hovland‘You are the Planet – the Planet is you!
Don’t be an Eco-Worrier, be an Eco-Warrior!
Watch Out, Water Wasters!’
These and other pertinent eco-messages are punched home in this clever little (mini-paperback) primer of eco-propaganda. Russell’s underlying thesis is that our planetful is divided into Greens and Groans. Groans, are, of course, all Groan-ups – they like things to be quick, easy, tidy, and cheap. Greens are – largely – the younger and more aware generation whose concern for the future health of the planet (which is them) overrides the selfish considerations of the Groans.
With chapters of different coloured pages, snappy street-credible language and no shortage of humour, the book makes a succession of telling points, encouraging its reader not only to override the Groans’ priorities but to overcome them too. We’re given the green-print for a Groan-Fining scheme to punish unecofriendly behaviour and copious simple hints about energy-saving like turn the heating down and put on a (home-produced) jersey.
It’s all good basic stuff – the words are most attractive, and utterly accessible. Illustrations are by no means to my taste but, for all I know, may be the acme of contemporary cool. This unpromising looking snot-coloured pocket-sized (and pocket-priced) paperback, designed primarily for personal purchase, could do a great deal more than Al Gore to straighten out our eco-thinking. Oh, yes, it’s on recycled paper all right!