Price: £6.00
Publisher: Orchard Books
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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I Want a Cuddle!
Illustrator: Joanne PartisAll children will empathise with Little Rabbit who falls over, hurts her paw and wants a cuddle. However, the cuddle has to be from the right person. Offers of cuddles from a hedgehog, squirrel, badger, toad are rejected for being too prickly, tickly, bristly or bumpy. The Little Fox has other motives for cuddling and is rejected, but even Little Fox needs a cuddle when he bumps his head. Finally, Little Rabbit runs into the arms (paws?) of her mum and a cuddle which feels just right.
Award-winning author Malorie Blackman was inspired to write this heart-warming story having seen her own daughter fall and come running to her with out-stretched arms crying, ‘I want a cuddle.’ Striking illustrations demonstrating a bold use of colour are another attraction of what will undoubtedly become a very popular picture book.