Price: £6.99
Publisher: Dispatch same day for order received before 12 noonGuaranteed packagingNo quibbles returns
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 384pp
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In the Bag
Two teenagers unexpectedly stumbling across a large sum of money is hardly a new idea, but Carrington gives it new energy in his second, highly accomplished novel. Tautly written in the voices of the two boys concerned, tension rises as their initial euphoria gives way first to guilt and then to fear as fate in the form of a nasty couple of drug dealers in search of their lost funds gradually closes in on them. Not quite resolved at the end, there is still enough excitement and drama in these pages to keep readers involved throughout. The warning ‘contains strong language’ on the back cover is well taken, with plenty of swearing and frequent references to boozing and drug inhalation keeping everything sounding very contemporary. On this form, Carrington is certainly an author to watch out for.