Price: £5.99
Publisher: Red Fox
Genre: Board Book, Novelty
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 14pp
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Is This My Nose?
Illustrator: Georgie BirkettIs This My Nose? aims to enhance the game of reciprocal pointing that is so often enjoyed by young toddlers. This is when you point to a part of their face, such as the eye, and say ‘where’s your eye?’ Birkett’s artistry is a bright mix of bold brushstrokes, linear crayon outlines and collage. This serves to direct the child to the key elements of the face that are being discussed by the text. The final page of the book contains a mirror for the baby so that they can see themselves pointing to their own facial features. Is This My Nose? is a lovely introduction to the face for infants of 12-18 months.