Price: £12.55
Publisher: Mantra Lingua
Genre: Dual Language
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 32pp
- Translated by: Adam Jama
Journey Through Islamic Art
Illustrator: Diana MayoThis is a story about a young girl who, having heard of the tales of the ancient centres of Islamic art in Baghdad, Samarkand, Spain, Turkey and India, dreams about a journey wearing a flying cloak. She tells the reader about the places she visits in her dream, what she saw there and describes in detail her feelings on viewing the magnificent art treasures she encounters on her travels.
Although the book is a fantasy adventure, it gives a factual and wide-ranging general overview of Islamic art and crafts. It is a dual language book using, in this edition, both English and Somali (Roman script) in differing fonts. The pictures and text do not impinge on one another. The illustrations give the book a special appeal; they are large and beautiful, each covering a double page throughout the book, depicting in detail the heritage of Islamic art. The subject matter covers architecture, floral arabesque designs and calligraphy etc. The book also contains a useful glossary to help the reader appreciate and understand Islamic history and art. (Available in 22 dual language editions.)