Price: £10.99
Publisher: Puffin
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Little Rabbit Goes to School
There’s an old-fashioned charm to the pen and watercolour illustrations in this book – the cosy setting and the range of emotions felt by the little rabbits at school draw the reader into the world of Little Rabbit. As a first day at school story, this one is engagingly told. Little Rabbit takes along his favourite toy, a little wooden horse on wheels, and from the moment he wakes up, prepares Charlie Horse for their first day – brushing his tail and reminding him en route that they mustn’t be late. Mama has told Little Rabbit not to open his lunch box until lunchtime. Unfortunately, Charlie Horse is of another opinion and Little Rabbit ends up ‘having to’ eat the contents. At playtime, Little Rabbit won’t let anyone play with Charlie Horse but changes his mind at lunchtime when his classmates, seeing his empty lunchbox, share their food with him. Throughout the school day, Charlie Horse participates in activities, with disruptive consequences. Little Rabbit tries to keep him in check but you know how difficult it can be… The teacher keeps her cool with recognisable forbearance.
By the end of his first day at school, Little Rabbit has decided it’s best to leave Charlie Horse at home. There’s much in the story to captivate the interest of young readers – they’ll relate to the security and comfort a familiar toy can provide in an unfamiliar situation, as well as to how it can also get in the way! A super book to share with the very young.