Price: £6.99
Publisher: Piccadilly Press
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Little Rex
Illustrator: Sean JulianRex desperately wants to be BIG and SCARY and LOUD. He is convinced that he is the scariest dinosaur ever, but the pictures tell a different story. Cuddly and colourful, Rex isn’t scary at all, and even his friends don’t believe his boasting. In a series of mishaps, Rex’s family continue to call him ‘Little Rex’ in the fondest way and he is furious. Will no one take him seriously? When left to look after the three eggs that his parents are hatching, he suddenly finds himself a big brother and his tiny new dinosaur siblings do indeed find him big and scary. But now he wants simply to be ‘the best dinosaur big brother in all the world’. Wonderful, glowing pictures with lots of little creatures and a lush jungle atmosphere, as well as the dinosaurs in every conceivable colour pattern, make this great fun.