Price: £5.99
Publisher: Scholastic
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 176pp
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This is a tale that fizzes with up to the minute humour and mirrors exactly the rent-a-crisis mindset of the reality TV generation. Holly is an articulate, individualistic Year 10, besotted with a school Romeo and devoted follower of a current flavour of the month band. She helps her best (male) friend to hook a Barbie girlfriend and then, not without tears and disappointment, discovers that her true affections are for Wes, aforementioned best friend.
It is funny and it is current. The characters are a bit stereotyped but fun to meet and the Shakespeare Midsummer Night’s Dream backdrop, more implied than laboured. It’s a real page turner written in a bravura style.
I’d give it a try with almost any keen female romance reader.