Price: £6.99
Publisher: Piccadilly Press
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 176pp
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Marge and the Pirate Baby
Illustrator: Eglantine CeulemansJemima and Jakey first meet their babysitter, Marge, in Marge in Charge (…). She is not at all what they expect and from initial reluctance, they cannot wait for the evenings that Marge takes charge. From her rainbow coloured hair (carefully hidden under her hat when parents are around) to her sparkly shoes Marge is a pocket sized dynamo – the height of seven packets of biscuits! Whether getting Jakey to wash his hair or cooking chocolate soup her approach is anarchic, the result chaotic fun.
Now she is back – and this time she has to take charge of Zara, the baby cousin from hell; the pirate baby in fact. How will Marge cope? In these three new stories the energy that was such a feature of the first book is very much in evidence. The situations are rooted in real life – looking after a baby, going swimming, being a bridesmaid – but each is full of potential for humour and potential disaster. Young readers, whether reading for themselves or listening at bedtime, will gasp at the chaos while relishing the fun. The action is non-stop, the characters lively, uncomplicated and instantly recognisable. Avoiding the scatological, Fisher fills her pages with moments that children will enjoy, turning the pages eagerly to find out what awful-near disaster threatens while knowing that Marge is in charge.