Price: £6.99
Publisher: OUP Oxford
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 32pp
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Martha Maps it Out
Meet Martha, a little girl with a big vision. We’re invited into her world through the maps she draws, each one carefully labelled, full of interesting facts and quirky Martha-chosen insights. Her book opens with a map of the universe, followed by a map of Earth, ‘a planet full of land and sea’, zooming in closer and closer to focus on the city where Martha lives, her street, her tower block (you’ll need to turn the book sideways at this point) until we’re in her room. At this point, everything opens out again with a wonderful map of Martha’s thoughts, all the BIG things she thinks about and her dreams for the future, where anything is possible. Every page is a treat with so much for young readers to explore and it’s delightfully positive, celebrating all the opportunities Martha has for adventure and discovery. Children will love it and it will inspire much map-making and daydreaming. Highly recommended for home and school.