BfK 167 November 2007
Price: £4.99
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Board Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 16pp
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Reviewer: Vincent Reid
ISBN: 978-0340945148Price: £4.99
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Board Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 16pp
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Kipper is out collecting conkers when he discovers a cat stuck up a tree. Various means are employed to help the cat get down but it won’t budge. Then it decides to come down by itself. I turned the last page of this book expecting the story to continue. It had simply stopped in the middle of a scene. Unexpected endings notwithstanding, this book is full of lovely cartoon illustrations.