Price: £9.99
Publisher: Egmont Books Ltd
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 256pp
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Mr Gum in the Hound of Lamonic Bibber
Illustrator: Dave TazzymanWell, you thought you knew all about Mr Gum and his mates, didn’t you, you dreadful little swipers? Thought he came in one of those thick little books. Well, not this time. He’s in a thick big book with lots of extras, like stickers, and a recipe for Plum Ruffian, which is like Christmas pudding but isn’t, and a story about how Mr Gum met Billy William III in the Spit Shop when they was just boys. Course, if any of you disgusting items is awake, you’ll know the story about the Hound of Lamonic Bibber appeared first on World Book day a couple of years ago, so you’ll be buying it purely for the extras, and I wouldn’t blame you, if you has money to chuck around at this merry time. Course, it could be that Andy Stanton and his mate Dave Tazzyman is getting a bit tired of entertaining you undeserving, miserable little nose pickers and are off to run a bank or something. I hopes not. They needs to be kept at this thankless task. Except I am thanking them and they do get paid, so it’s better than coming round to my house in the snow with a lantern on a stick and singing Away in a Mangle, when you will get only a free bucketful of cold water. I dunno why I’m giving them a lot of stars. Might be because I have a house full of stars and if I don’t give some away, I can’t get to the toilet. Might be because they are inimitable, even when they is somewhat repeating themselves.