Price: £14.07
Publisher: rdcover BookEnglish (Publication Language)32 Pages
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 32pp
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My Momo-la is a Museum
Illustrator: Violet KimA little girl describes her grandmother as a collector of unusual things and especially stories. We follow as Momo-la takes her granddaughter into the city to search for stories in the world round them and (somewhat exhaustingly!) four museums: The Ancient History, Modern Art, Space and Maritime Museums.
Momo-la dismisses the child’s first reaction that this is boring telling her ‘Everything is interesting if you really look at it.’ Together they find links to Momo-la’s heritage in the objects on display. As they go from object to object and museum to museum, they discuss what they see and Momo-la tells her granddaughter more of her own memories and heritage. When they return home the child decides her grandmother is a museum too, as she is so full of stories.
The writer pays homage to her own grandmother and family here in a book which may encourage children to look closely for stories in the world around them and investigate their own family histories. The references to Tibetan culture in the text are explained at the back of the book.