Price: £9.99
Publisher: David Fickling Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 144pp
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Other Echoes
10-year-old Flora arrives in Borneo with her ex-pat parents, learning to adapt to a new culture. Seven years later, a bout of illness gives her a chance to reconsider events from that time only half-understood and half-forgotten, maturity giving her increased sympathy, distance a new perspective. Geras conveys well the difficulties of relating to ‘a colonial community’, and of being the new child – the need to fit in, the dares, the minor humiliations, and finally the triumph, the conquering of fear.
My readers, expecting another Troy, were disappointed – ‘nothing happens!’ – and certainly the resolution of the drama is tame, if poignant; a bit close to real life in its lack of true built-up tension. The introspection is well handled but Geras’ style has grown looser, more assured, since this was first published in 1982. The jolly cover also indicates a younger age group than I’d suggest.