Price: £6.92
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 14+ Secondary/Adult
Length: 288pp
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Pretty Twisted
There are two inter-connected plots here told alternately by two narrators and then there’s a third story of a missing girl. But the lasting impression of this novel is of the characters themselves. It is a piece very much driven by teen angst and insecurity relayed in a very convincing, lively manner by this first time author.
Jonathan is a geeky, needy teen who has somehow become the boyfriend of a free spirited, high maintenance music prodigy, Freya. Then there’s the chronically insecure Ros, whom he met on line and who is totally smitten by her cyber buddy. When Freya goes missing both Jonno and Ros get entangled in a desperate search, which involves pressure and stress all round and a good many lies…
Well worth promoting and likely to be slow-burn, popular in a bit of a Chick-Flick way.