Price: £14.99
Publisher: Wide Eyed Editions
Genre: Information Book
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 80pp
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Rescuing Titanic
This book tells the fascinating and true story of a ship, the RMS Carpathia who changed course mid voyage to help rescue survivors of the Titanic disaster, successfully rescuing 705 passengers and crew. The story is unfolded skillfully as we find out about the sequence of events on the night of 14th April 1912.
Individual contributions of members of the crew are highlighted, including wireless operator Harold Cottam who received the SOS from the Titanic at the end of a long shift and Captain Rostron whose decisive action and bravery saved so many lives leading to him receiving awards and commendations. Also, we meet a young passenger, 18-year-old Bernice Palmer, who recorded the Titanic survivors and the iceberg which is likely to have sunk the ill-fated ship with her new box camera.
There are pauses in the narrative to introduce other information giving us a fuller picture of life on board ship. We meet the crew and find out how they prepared for the voyage, we find out the background to Trans-Atlantic steam travel, navigation at sea and the importance of morse code for communication. The excitement surrounding the launch of the Titanic is described and the methods used by the Carpathia to find Titanic survivors.
Using watercolour images different ways to illustrate information are employed on each double page spread – a cross section reveals life on board ship, we can spot the engine room, sleeping accommodation and the bridge. A map shows shipping routes across the Atlantic. Small pictures are used to introduce the crew. Images of the telegrams sent to families of those lost at sea and the survivors reveal the human stories of loss and joy behind the tragedy. Large full page images emphasise the drama of the sinking and the desperate efforts of the rescuers.
This is an excellent information book with a good balance of general information and detail using varied layouts to convey information and tell the story in an accessible and interesting way. The back of the book includes a glossary, sources and further reading.
A useful contribution to those interested in this dramatic event or marine history in general as we approach the 110th anniversary of the sinking.