Price: £9.99
Publisher: David Fickling Books
Genre: Information Book
Age Range: 10-14 Middle/Secondary
Length: 160pp
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Roar Like a Lion
Illustrator: Katie WalkerThis positive book about how to become the best person you can be by following ways that animals act and react, is full of positive ideas that will appeal, particularly to animal lovers who may perhaps be feeling less than positive about all the stresses of life. It’s full of humour too, and wonderful soft-colour illustrations on every page. The chapters cover things like being yourself, finding confidence, finding the right friends for you, being kind, being brave, finding resilience and joy, and there are some 67 animals throughout who show just how to do this, from a racoon who gets his head stuck in a storm drain and has to be rescued (we all have to be rescued sometimes) to Meerkats who know how to stop bullying and stand up for each other. The book is packed with ideas and interesting, unusual facts about animals, and an index leads to every one of them. An excellent choice for stressed kids because of its positive and entertaining approach; it should help them feel hope for the future: ‘This is my tail-wagging, frog-leaping, lion-hearted self. Never be afraid to ROAR!’