Price: £6.99
Publisher: Hodder Children's Books
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 240pp
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Scribble Witch: Notes in Class
This is the first in a new series about Molly Mills and her tiny friend Notes, who appears magically from an old dictionary during a very boring English lesson. Notes is a scribble witch who can fit into a pen pot and fly a pencil like a broomstick.
Molly’s Monday is not going well. Her best friend Chloe has just announced she is moving to a new school, Mr Stilton – her least favourite teacher – is extra grumpy and someone is throwing paper aeroplanes at her. The aeroplane thrower turns out to be someone very special, a tiny paper witch who is determined to help Molly whether she wants help or not.
The following story, in which Molly finds new friends in unexpected quarters, gets in and out of trouble and, with the help of Notes, finds an ingenious way to stay in touch with Chloe, is packed with joyful humour and lively lovable characters.
Molly and Notes make a fantastic double act and the format of quirky illustrations and ‘handwritten’ notes adds to the books vibrant energy and is sure to keep a wide range of readers entertained, engaged and laughing.