Price: £90.92
Publisher: Bodley Head
Genre: Fiction
Age Range: 8-10 Junior/Middle
Length: 368pp
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Sebastian Darke: Prince of Explorers
Illustrator: Julek HellerThis is the third in the Sebastian Darke series. Each part is almost an adventure story in itself as it tells of the trials and tribulations of the elfling prince and his two friends making their way through worlds full of warring tribes, merciless phantoms and innocent victims waiting to be rescued from the aforementioned. It’s stirring stuff! Story is everything here.
Echoes of other tales and stock adventure scenarios are re-worked into an exciting tapestry of scrapes and escapes. There’s a love interest and plenty of humour, supplied mainly by Max the grumpy buffalope. The blood and body count is high but no more than the average computer game session.
Fans will not be disappointed and it should make new converts to the series.