Price: £10.99
Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Genre: Information Story
Age Range: 5-8 Infant/Junior
Length: 40pp
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Shanyi Goes to China
I like the look and feel of this book. The range of photographs is full of interest, capturing the experience of a genuine visit, along with the excitement of seeing new sights and of a family reunion. A simple outline map at the beginning shows us the part of China being visited and the first photograph introduces us to the ‘writer’ – a little girl and her brother. The text is very well written, drawing us in and taking us along on Shanyi’s trip to China; ‘I was only three years old when I last went to China, and I don’t remember much about that trip. This time I’m going to write everything down so that I can share it with my friends when I get back.’
A variety of layouts and sizes of photographs on each double page spread is combined with an engaging text in which Shanyi records the highlights of their days in various places. Both text and illustrations invoke memories of holidays in the reader. Some of the photographs lack the sharpness of professionally taken pictures but they are interesting enough for it not to matter – in fact it adds to the feeling that these are genuine snapshots from a family album. A delightful book.