Price: £0.50
Publisher: Templar Publishing
Genre: Picture Book
Age Range: Under 5s Pre-School/Nursery/Infant
Length: 32pp
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Silly Doggy
One morning Lily looks out of her bedroom window and sees something that she has always wanted – a rather large dog. But the ‘dog’ turns out to be a bear. Far from being scared, Lily is delighted but mum says the bear must belong to someone so Lily puts up a notice (which she secretly hopes no one will see) and the bear is returned to the Safari Park. Lily is disappointed until she looks out the next day and sees another wonderful surprise – a large stripy cat that rather closely resembles a tiger…
This is a picture book with plenty of visual humour and lots to spot in the cartoon style illustrations. The expressions on the animal’s faces are particularly funny and the bear looks at its best with the addition of a little yellow bow of ribbon. This is a story that demands children use their imagination and have fun imagining what the ever confident Lily will get up to next.